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Writer's pictureSun & Moon Yoga

Coronavirus Update: Studio Reopens in mid-June / 6月中旬スタジオ再開予定


We are planning to reopen our studio in mid-June, with reservations only, reduced attendance capacity, and we will follow all measures to keep everyone healthy, as we did before, including limiting the number of participants, no adjustments, and appropriate sanitary measures.  

At the studio, we are taking measures to protect our clients, such as cancelling large gatherings and limiting enrollment for now to 10 students for in studio classes. Reservations will need to be made online prior to visiting the studio. We discontinue the use of eye pillows. Feel free to bring your own mat and eye pillow if desired.  We recommend that you take precautionary measures, such as wearing a mask, washing your hands carefully and often, bring your own towel to dry hands, and mainly, staying home if you have a cough or feel ill. We look forward to continuing to serve you in health and well-being.

As you know, the situation is fluid, so please stay posted for future developments and timeline. We look forward to seeing you all again on the mat in person! Our on-line classes will continue with a modified schedule, and we hope to continue to see you online as well. Your class card can be used both online and in-studio classes.

Please check here if you have not created your account in our system. An account is required to make reservation. As you all know, Yoga means Union. Now, more than ever, we can unite through the power of love, near and far. Remember to pause, breathe, and send lovingkindness to yourself and others. Love is so much greater than fear.

Please stay calm and stay safe. We will continue to post updates on our website, Facebook, and Instagram as well as through the newsletter. We will also respond to your emails as fast as we can. Please follow us on one or all of these channels for up-to-date information.

Thank you for your understanding.



スタジオコロナウィルスに関する行政機関が推奨する対策を考慮し、サンアンドムーンヨガはスタジオ再開後、次の対策をとってまいります。 ・当面の間、人数の多いイベントの開催を休止し、スタジオクラスは10人以下で構成します。スタジオクラスは、オンライン予約を導入します。 ・アイピロー等、顔に接触する物品の使用を控えさせていただきます。マット、アイピロー等、ご自分で持ってきていただいて構いません。 ・タオル(手洗い後の手拭き用も含め)は各自お持ちください。 ・クラス後、ご使用になったスタジオのマットは、いつも通り清掃をお願いいたします。


なお、スタジオの新しいオンラインシステムにアカウントを作成していない方は、ぜひ今のうちにアカウントを作成してくださいね!  クラス予約はオンラインで受け付けるため、必ずアカウントが必要になります。









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