It is with deep gratitude and love that we announce that we will close Sun and Moon Yoga, Tokyo at the end of July, 2023. Leza will be in Tokyo June 25-July 8 and will offer classes and workshops then, so please check the schedule and stop by. We are not going to say goodbye, because Sun and Moon will transform into something different to fit the future. We are immensely grateful and blessed to be on this journey together and appreciate the loyalty, dedication, and love of our dearest teachers and students. We are family, and what we have created is precious and eternal. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
《Special Classes with Leza》
Reservation required. Regular ticket can be used.
Sunday June 25
4:30-5:45pm (75 min) Yin/Yang Yoga with Tibetan Bowls by Jesse Lee Parker (Japanese Translation by Yoriko Matsumoto, In-Studio and Online)
6:15-7:30pm (75 min) Inner Child/Lovingkindness Meditation with Tibetan Bowls by Jesse Lee Parker (Japanese Translation by Yoriko Matsumoto, In-Studio and Online)
Wednesday June 28
7:00pm-8:30pm (90 min) Yin/Yang Yoga (In-Studio and Online)
Friday June 30
7:00pm-8:30pm (90 min) Restorative Yoga (In-Studio and Online)
Saturday July 1
2:30pm-3:45pm (75 min) Lady Niguma Yoga (In-Studio and Online)
4:15pm-5:30pm (75 min) Mindfulness Meditation (In-Studio and Online)
Sunday July 2
2:30-3:45pm (75 min) Mindful Movement (In-Studio and Online)
4:15-5:45pm (75 min) Restorative Yoga (In-Studio and Online)
Saturday July 8
2:30pm-3:45pm (75 min) Lady Niguma Yoga (In-Studio and Online)
4:15pm-5:30pm (75 min) Mindfulness Meditation (In-Studio and Online)
5:45-7:15pm (90 min) Restorative Yoga (In-Studio and Online)
7:30pm Gratitude and Appreciation Gathering--Free (In-Studio Only)
4:30-5:45pm 陰陽ヨガ・ジェシー先生のチベタンボウル演奏付き(松元頼子さんによる日本語通訳あり、スタジオまたはオンライン)
6:15-7:30pm インナーチャイルドに贈る慈悲の瞑想 ・ジェシー先生のチベタンボウル演奏付き(松元頼子さんによる日本語通訳あり、スタジオまたはオンライン)
7:00pm-8:30pm 陰陽ヨガ(スタジオまたはオンライン)
7:00pm-8:30pm リストラティブヨガ(スタジオまたはオンライン)
2:30pm-3:45pm レディーニグマヨガ (スタジオまたはオンライン)
4:15pm-5:30pm マインドフルネス瞑想(スタジオまたはオンライン)
2:30-3:45pm マインドフル・ムーブメント(スタジオまたはオンライン)
4:15-5:45pm リストラティブヨガ(スタジオまたはオンライン)
7:00pm-8:30pm リストラティブヨガ(スタジオまたはオンライン)
2:30pm-3:45pm レディーニグマヨガ(スタジオまたはオンライン)
4:15pm-5:30pm マインドフルネス瞑想(スタジオまたはオンライン)
5:45-7:15pm リストラティブヨガ(スタジオまたはオンライン)
7:30pm 感謝の集い「20年間の感謝の思いを込めて」(無料)(スタジオのみ)