Today is an exciting day as we can finally unveil online classes to everyone in our community, and beyond.
We are so grateful for you, and appreciate your patience with us as we work overtime to bring you the high-quality yoga and meditation classes you expect from Sun and Moon Yoga Tokyo.
Today is an exciting day as we can finally unveil online classes to everyone in our community, and beyond.
You can see our new, beautiful schedule here with our current online class offerings, and they will keep growing because now more than ever, our practices are needed, and the power of community is felt even more strongly.
To take an online class, first, you must be registered in our new PunchPass system and have a pre-paid class card. You'll know if you are in the system because you will have received a few emails from Sun and Moon in the past few days to create your account.
If you aren't in the system, create your Sun and Moon account to register for online classes. If you have a current class card, please send an image of it to so we can ensure you can use your class credits!
*Please use the email address which allow you to receive HTML format emails. You may encounter issues if you use the Japanese mobile career's email account.
If you don't have a class card (even if you do have an account) purchase a new class card or purchase an online drop-in class ticket.
Now that you have an account and class card or ticket, you can register for online classes!
To Register for an Online Class:
Sign in with Sun and Moon.
Go to the class page through Sun and Moon's online schedule. You will see all the class details on that page.
If you're not signed in or do not have an account, you will be prompted to do so on the class page before you can go any further with reserving.

If you're signed in, you will see a blue "Reserve my spot in Class!" button. Click it!

If you have a current class card in the system, you're all done and will get a reservation confirmation.
If you do not have any class cards on file or they cannot be used for the current class, you can purchase a class card here (just make sure you are signed in so it links that card to your account).
Get your confirmation email. After you click "Reserve My Spot in Class!", you will receive a confirmation email with a link to access the online Zoom class like the example below.

Online Class Reservation Information:
You must reserve your spot in online classes at least 15 min in advance of the class.
You can cancel your reservation, however, you can only do so up to 1 hours before the scheduled class time. This means if you reserve a spot after that 24 hour period, you cannot cancel your reservation..
The link to access the online class is a Zoom link. If you have never used Zoom before, there are a few more things to consider for a smooth and calm Sun and Moon online class experience.
First-time Zoom Users:
Before the online class - create a free account at or
Your Zoom account name - use the same name for your Zoom account as you use with your Sun and Moon PunchPass account (for attendance purposes, we will only let customers who match the reservation name into the class).
You will receive a class reservation confirmation email and, 30 minutes before the class, you will also receive a reminder email.
Both of these emails will contain the Zoom “meeting” or class link.
If you don’t see the emails make sure you check your spam/junk folder.
If you have any issues email us at We cannot guarantee a timely response in the event of last-minute inquiries but we will always do our best to reply.
Just click the class link and it should take you right there to class. In the email above the class link, there may be a meeting password. You should not need to use it, but if you are prompted to enter a password, it is within your reservation email.
Your video settings and audio will be turned ON at the beginning of class. This will enable you to see everyone and the teacher can see you, and we can all say hello. This is a great way to connect before practicing together. When class starts, the teacher will mute all of your audios, and you can choose to turn off your video if you prefer.
You will need a laptop, smartphone, or tablet to participate. You will want a yoga mat and a place to set your device so that you can both see and hear the teacher during the class. Hopefully, a quiet place where you can practice uninterrupted!
We are recording the teacher in these classes, for possible future online class re-purposing, but not the students.
General Notes for All Online Class Participants:
Once you sign up, please create a calendar alert/reminder for the class. We feel it’s important during such uncertain times to try to keep our commitment to practice at the same time we normally would at the studio.
If you are logging in from outside of Japan, please note that all classes will take place in Japan Standard Time.
Remember, if you have been to the studio before and have a current class card with us, but have not created an account, our customer management system - PunchPass - will not recognize you. and will ask you to create a new account. Go ahead and do this, and sign the waiver.
We look forward to connecting with you in this new way and to holding space for each other during this unusual time.
Please feel free to email us at with feedback or questions.
This is new for all of us and we are all in it together! And as we all get more comfortable with this new format will we add more classes to the schedule.
サンアンドムーンヨガ オンラインクラススタート
※ HTMLメールを受け取れるメールアドレスをご利用ください。特に、日本の携帯電話会社のメールアドレスをご利用の方はご注意ください。
システムにまだご登録ではない方は、オンラインクラスご予約の前にサンアンドムーンアカウントを作成してください。現在使用中のクラスカードをお持ちの方は、その写真を撮って、 まで送信してください。お持ちのクラスカードをご登録いたします。
Sun and Moon にサインインします

サインインしていれば、下記のように「Reserve my spot in Class!」の青いボタンが表示されるので、ボタンをクリックしてください!

「Reserve My Spot in Class!」をクリックして予約手続が完了すると、確認メールが送信されます。そのメールに、Zoomのオンラインクラスの情報が記載されています(下記参照)。

予約のキャンセルは可能ですが、クラス開催時間の1時間前までに行ってください。クラスから2時間以内のキャンセルは、直前のキャンセル(Late Cancel)になり、チケット1回分を申し受けます。
ご自分のZoomアカウント名 - サンアンドムーンパンチパスアカウントで使用されているお名前と同じお名前で、Zoomアカウントに登録してください(クラス参加の確認のため)。